Thursday, November 1, 2007

Bringing up Baby,Baby,Baby, Baby

My feelings on the film Bringing Up Baby are mixed. The acting jobs were pretty good, the costumes and setting and props were above average and the cinematography was decent. However, my questioning of the movie comes about in the plot category.

I use that strange headline for my blogpost because there was so much darn redundancy, so much darn redundancy in the movie. In almost every scene there was bound to be a David copying/following Susan moment, or a Susan following/copying David moment. They were always either chasing George, pursuing Baby, looking for the bone, or running away one right behind the other... Always.

Aside from the redundancy of the film, it was also very predictable. Whenever David fell or tripped, a viewer could automatically know the other one was gonna do the same thing, or vic versa. He falls over a curb... she does too, he falls down a rock face, so does she. He's up high on a ladder precariously, so is she.

My overall feeling about this movie is that it probably was way above average back in its prime, but that type of humor is obsolete. Rating: 1/2 thumb


John H said...

Dan I hated this movie. I think the acting wasn't particularily good and also that the whole plot sucked. I agree their was too much of redundency in the movie and with I had never seen it. Oh and great season wouldn't change a thing

Bobby J. said...

I agree dano, there were times when I would have stopped watching if i was at home, but then again there were moments where i was rooting for them to catch baby. But, one thing that was super anoying was how redundant they were, like you said